
We offer fast, professional proofreading of every sort of academic and professional document from traditional one-page resumes to 60+-page curriculum vitae, cover letters, personal statements, manuscript or grant reviews, and more. Proofreading services are typically charged on a per project basis and rates vary depending on the nature of the project.

Our specialty is editing biomedical research manuscripts, grant proposals, abstracts, slide presentations, and other scientific documents intended for a public audience. We not only edit for the “idiomatic English” most top-tier journals specifically request and for proper punctuation, grammar, and usage, we also check for consistency of numbers and terminology between the various components of your document (e.g., abstract, tables, and text; slide to slide; Specific Aims, Background, and Research Design) and check your reference list for consistency of style, missing elements, etc. Editing services are typically charged on a per project basis and rates vary depending on the nature of the project.

Writing and Special Project Development
We excel at drafting professional scientific communication documents and assisting you with developing other research-related documents. Whether you need to communicate with a Program Officer at the National Institutes of Health, request an extension from a journal editor for a revision of a manuscript, submit a manuscript, or develop the language for an application to your local Institutional Review Board, we can help! Writing and special project development services are typically charged on a per project basis and rates vary depending on the nature of the project.

Contact Us!
To discuss the specifics of your proofreading, editing, writing, or special project needs, please click on the Request a Quote link above!